Tuesday, March 10, 2020

"thebigW: What the hell are you talking about?"

I bet the callers are only against “Islam” in Germany, but are okay with millions of *Muslims* in Germany. Same damn DISCONNECT I see here on these pages of Jihad Watch all the damn time, like you can have one and not the other.
  • The dislike against Muslims in Germany is increasing. The Turk invadors – who have been here for 60 years by now – lose sympathies more and more.
    Nonetheless we will learn next Sunday that too many Germans will vote for the Greenies and the SED-followers Die Linke. And the only party opposing the islamic invasion – AfD – will hang around 12%. Especially with the Austrian crisis around the FPÖ the AfD in Germany will loose votes (which is one of the aims why the German mainstream promoted the publication of the Strache-video right now).
    • Andra, I’m afraid that you’re right.
      Merkel controls most of the media, the AfD can hardly lead a proper campaign for the upcoming EU elections. Lessors of locations for the campaign even receive death threats. And the majority of the people worries more about being called a ‘right-wing’ than being overrun by Islam…
  • thebigW: What the hell are you talking about? [bold emphasis grinningly mine -- H.] Who here at JW is fine with Muslims in a Western nation but not OK with Islam in a Western nation?
    The burden of proof is now on you. Please explain yourself.
    • I cannot, of course, speak for thebigW, but I think what he means is that while Germans rationally understand that Islam is a threat, that many of them don’t think that most Muslims want to impose Islam on them, and so are fine with continued Muslim immigration.
    • But, gravenimage, thebigW was not only slamming Germany but JW as well. He used the word “DICONNECT” for both. I detect no such “DISCONNECT,” especially here at JW. And I would like to view his evidence, especially for JW but also for Germany.
    • Perhaps he is angry about some saying they hate Islam but not Muslims–but I will not speculate any further here.
    • yeah, what gravenimage said “Perhaps he is angry about some saying they hate Islam but not Muslims–but I will not speculate any further here.”
      –not just put that way but in a lotta other ways, the same damn idea. and one way I can think of is to show that you ain’t against ALL Muslims being here. Once ya start makin’ exceptions, you got no good reason to be any more special than a typical bozo outside Jihad Watch who only thinks the “extremists” are the problem.
      I can’t get the evidence for this now, it’d take me like hours, but I know I’ve seen it, and I ain’t imagin’ it, and it’s insulting to tell me most of y’all ain’t doin’ it all the damn time. (well “all the damn time” is an exaggeration, but even just “a lot” would be way too much)
    • Thanks for the reply, thebigW. Note, though, that Robert Spencer himself has said that he does not hate all Muslims. You can make of that what you will.
    • thebigW: Here’s my take: I hate the KKK but it does not mean I hate every ignorant KKK member. I hate anarchism but it does not mean I hate every anarchist. I hate Islam but it does not mean I hate every Muslim. I detest socialism but it does not mean I hate every socialist. Do I think all such people are confused human beings? You betcha’. But one can sometimes hate the sin without necessarily hating the sinner.
      Or is it you position that hating Islam (or anarchism or Neo-Nazism or Marxism or the Ku Klux Klan or socialism et al. REQUIRES one to also to hate all adherents of a malevolent or stupid ideology? I trust you see my point and I trust you see why I objected to yours.
    • Nicely put @Wellington
      islam is a slightly different case, there are many cultural muslims around who reject the koran, but to say this publicly and abandon islam is a death sentence, the other mentioned groups can be a bit nasty if you abandon them, but only islam has that punishment on leaving.
    • Thank you, marc. Much appreciated.
      And yes, no wrong-headed belief system in our time carries so much danger with it for leaving it as does Islam. Well, when the KKK, anarchism, Marxism, Western Leftism and Neo-Nazism, et al. take “second place” in this regard compared to Islam, one knows or should know that with Islam mankind as a whole has a HUGE problem on its hands.
      As it indubitably does. Indeed, where would Islam be without its provision of death for apostasy? Minus this, so-called cultural Muslims and many Muslims who want to leave their faith entirely would be much better off.
      Hell, all of mankind would be much better off. So deep shame on Islam here. Profound, everlasting shame. Sura 4:89 comes to mind as does the Bukhari Hadith passage, 9.84.57, to help validate my overall take on this “matter.” And thank you again for your comment.
    • thebigW: Whether “against” Islam or “hating” Islam, what is the difference? You used the word “against” and then asserted that people in Germany are “against” Islam but OK with Muslims, ditto for JW commenters. You went on to use the word “disconnect” to describe this alleged discrepancy.
      I challenged you to prove that people in Germany and more especially here at JW are OK with Muslims but not with Islam. You have not done this.
      Let me be clearer. I despise Islam but this DOES NOT MEAN I am OK with Muslims being here in America (or any Western nation). Yes, I do not despise all Muslims, though I do some, but I do think that ALL Muslims are confused human beings.
      In the final analysis, an ideology must be judged on what it says and NEVER on the basis that some adherents of the ideology in question do not fully implement its tenets. If it is a putrid ideology, as Islam surely is, then those who adhere to Islam completely are themselves also putrid. But those who are Muslims but don’t fully adhere to the Islamic theological blueprint, a blueprint inimical to liberty, for whatever reason—cultural Muslims, lazy Muslims, ignorant-of-their-own faith Muslims, etc.—are not putrid, only pathetic, a nuisance, confused, etc. But this DOES NOT TRANSLATE into being OK with such Muslims?
      Are you getting any of this?
    • “Whether “against” Islam or “hating” Islam, what is the difference? You used the word “against” and then asserted that people in Germany are “against” Islam but OK with Muslims, ditto for JW commenters.”
      Well ya left out two words I said –
      “I bet the callers are only against “Islam” in Germany, but are okay with millions of *Muslims* in Germany”
      the two words “in Germany” and by extension “in the West”. To “be ok” with that means the opposite of mustering all your words, thoughts and energy into the message that they (ALL Muslims) should NOT be “in” our lands. That’s what I see in a lotta different ways some clear some between the lines that ain’t “in” the West —or in Jihad Watch (enough). ALL damn Muslims, including the “beer drinking” “dog loving” ones marc’s granpa says are A-OK–
      (and see my comment below his)


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